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Supporting your child and their learning can have a major impact on how they do in school.  It is always good to show that you care.  I understand that we are all very busy but here are a few ways you could help your child with math at home whenever you have the chance. 


Recognize Numbers and Counting


Just like with letters, it is fairly easy to point out numbers whenever you see them and have your child tell you what number it is.  You can also do flashcards to help your child recognize numbers.  Most of the children are good at numbers 0-10 but the teens can get kind of tricky.  Another way to help with numbers is to have your child practice counting.  For example, if you are at the store and you want to get three apples, ask your child to count them out instead of you doing it yourself.

Number Words


One skill that is still difficult for the students is the ability to recognize number words.  Any chance you have to practice these with them would be very appreciative.



Writing Numbers

Writing the numbers can also be another task that is difficult for some students.  Sometimes it is hard for them to write the numbers the right direction.  Even though numbers written backwards is okay at this stage of kindergarten it makes it hard to recognize some numbers especially if they write the number two backwards but the number five the right way.  Their straight lines and curves can get tricky to read sometimes :)


Addition and Subtraction

In kindergarten the students learn how to complete simple addition and subtraction sentences.  They are taught the different strategies to use when doing these math problems including using a model (fingers, objects, ect.), drawing a picture, or using a number line.  The more practice the students have doing these kind of problems the easier it is for them to start storing them in the memory and eventually be able to recognize the answers almost instantly.  It will help them with mental math when they get in the upper grades.

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